Lake View Terrace, CA: Two signature events have been combined to give them even more
community participation. The selection of the 2015 “Spirit of Johny Carpenter” Award has been
given to nine participating community groups. They each nominated a worthy candidate whose
works best reflects the late Johny Carpenter. Voting began June 27th at Summerfest and will
continue until September 11th, 2015. However, the annual Summer BBQ scheduled for Saturday
September 12th, 2015, will afford even those who already voted, to again cast another ballot, by
attending the BBQ.
The 2015 “Spirit” nominees and their nominating group are: Gail Carlson Sunland Tujunga
Chamber of Commerce, Bill & Tina Eick Shadow Hills Property Owners Association, John
Eshbach Sun Valley Area Chamber of Commerce, Terry Kaiser Equestrian Trails Int. Corral 20,
Linda Hornick Foothill Trails District Neighborhood Council, Michael Lucas Sunland Tujunga
Rotary Club, Vanessa May Lake View Terrace Improvement Association, Dana Stangel Teranga
Ranch and Esther Vasquez Foothill Division Community Police Advisory Board.
The “Spirit” award winner will be revealed at the 13th Annual “Spirit of Johny Carpenter”
Award, Saturday November 21st, 2015. Look for more details to follow. We encourage everyone
to come out the “Spirit” Award and Community Food Drive (Same Day) to show thier support
for their candidate and our community.
The Barbecue will again be hosted by the McCurdy’s at their ranch, 10025 ½ Foothill Blvd.
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342. 6:00-9:00pm. The BBQ will again be by the legendary Phil
Tabbi Sr & Jr. There will be live music, a silent auction, no host bar and the opportunity to vote
again. A good time has always be had by all and honor those nominated and promoting the
groups who nominated them.
Advance tickets are $25.00, couples $40.00 and children under 5 free. Tickets at the door are
$30.00 and $50.00 for couples. Sponsorships begin at $100.00. The other great news is if you
purchase advance tickets, you get two votes. Sponsors will get eight votes. To buy tickets or
become a sponsor, just go to our website and go to the events page, Barbecue
2015. Scroll down the page and click on the appropriate icon. You can also rsvp by going to our
Facebook events page, New Heaven on Earth Ranch Summer BBQ. Anyone who rsvp’s will
only have to pay the advance ticket price.
We are also looking for silent auction items too. Don’t forget to vote before September 12th. You
can email your vote or mail it to NHOER 9845 Foothill Place Lake View
Terrace, CA 91342. You can even call it in at 818 470-5235. Same with mailing your check for
tickets or a sponsorship. NHOER is a 501 c (3) public charity. ID# 27-2613489, all donations are
tax deductible.