By Joe Panzarello
In the March 3, 2014 issue of The New American magazine, an article pointed out the numbers behind a recent report that was issued by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The report that was released on Feb. 4, stated that it now believes that the Affordable Care Act ,(ACA), will cost the equivalent of 2.5 million jobs by 2024–“a historically high number of people . . . locked out of the workforce” as CNBC put it. What’s more, the CBO’s estimate of ACA-related job losses by 2021, 2.3 million, is almost triple its 2011 forecast of 800,000.
The CBO report makes it abundantly clear that the main reason for this is that the law’s subsidies and taxes “discourage work”. In the old employer-sponsored system people had to stay at their jobs, like it or not, because they needed the health insurance coverage. In the new Obamacare system, people may be encouraged to stay out of jobs in order to maximize their subsidies. The expansion of Medicaid will also discourage work because its benefits decrease as income rises. This is all in addition to the employer mandate that encourages businesses to downsize and remain under 50 employees in order to avoid having to provide health care.
So, not only was Obama lying to the American people when he stated that we can keep our existing plans or our doctors, now the video is being circulated of Kathleen Sebelius stating that Obamacare will not affect the job market whatsoever, and no jobs would be lost as a result of this system. What a disaster! Apparently this administration feels that it can literally get away with anything it wants. And besides, we as Americans now know that Obamacare was not intended to insure 47 million people and to reduce health care premiums as was originally stated. Rather, the truth is that it was created for the sole purpose of growing big government and controlling the well being of Americans. Did you know that the ACA created 160 new agencies and departments in the federal government? And did you also know that it creates 21 brand new forms of taxation that weren’t in existence before? These, among other things, in the 2,400 pages of the bill were intended to destroy this great nation in more ways than one and believe me . . . .Obamacare is nothing that we want to live with!
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