Monthly meeting of the Pasadena Radio Club — Ham Radio talks, events and testing
Monthly Neighborhood Watch meeting hosted by Foothill Division LAPD Senior Lead Officers includes special speakers and opportunity to address specific and detail public safety concerns. Info:
Monthly meeting of the Pasadena Radio Club — Ham Radio talks, events and testing
Monthly meeting of the STNC Beautification Committee — Contact: Gail Carlson
Special Emergency Preparedness Committee
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, APRIL 26, 2018
North Valley City Hall
7747 Foothill Boulevard, Tujunga, CA 91042
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order/Sign In
2. Announcements
3. Public Comment on non-agenda items
4. Discussion: Make Motion to Fund $250.00 to support the Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair being held on
September 29, 2018 at the next STNC May General Board Meeting.
5. Discussion: Make Motion to fund expired Emergency Disaster Supplies currently in storage containers
inside the STNC office for Emergency use.
6. Discussion: MySafeLA Fire & Life Safety Education non- profit programs Neighborhood purpose grant
7. Discussion/Update: To Launch and keep community updated with classes available and emergency
information via the STEP- Sunland Tujunga Emergency Preparedness Facebook Group/Page
8. Discussion/Update: Working with local fire 74 on having a liaison team during disasters for donations,
drop off area. General community outreach regarding helping our outside resources to have access to North
Valley City Hall
9. Discussion/Update: Regarding putting procedures/plan in place in case of an emergency to access the
Emergency Supplies
10. Discussion: Inventory of current emergency barrels stored at the STNC office inside NVCH and
costs/quotes to replace expired items.
11. Discussion: Agenda Items for next month’s meeting
12. Public Comment on non-agenda items
13. Closing Comments
Adjourn by 7 p.m.
Monthly Neighborhood Watch meeting hosted by Foothill Division LAPD Senior Lead Officers includes special speakers and opportunity to address specific and detail public safety concerns. Info:
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