Monthly meeting of the STNC Beautification Committee — Contact: Gail Carlson
Special Emergency Preparedness Committee
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, APRIL 26, 2018
North Valley City Hall
7747 Foothill Boulevard, Tujunga, CA 91042
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order/Sign In
2. Announcements
3. Public Comment on non-agenda items
4. Discussion: Make Motion to Fund $250.00 to support the Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair being held on
September 29, 2018 at the next STNC May General Board Meeting.
5. Discussion: Make Motion to fund expired Emergency Disaster Supplies currently in storage containers
inside the STNC office for Emergency use.
6. Discussion: MySafeLA Fire & Life Safety Education non- profit programs Neighborhood purpose grant
7. Discussion/Update: To Launch and keep community updated with classes available and emergency
information via the STEP- Sunland Tujunga Emergency Preparedness Facebook Group/Page
8. Discussion/Update: Working with local fire 74 on having a liaison team during disasters for donations,
drop off area. General community outreach regarding helping our outside resources to have access to North
Valley City Hall
9. Discussion/Update: Regarding putting procedures/plan in place in case of an emergency to access the
Emergency Supplies
10. Discussion: Inventory of current emergency barrels stored at the STNC office inside NVCH and
costs/quotes to replace expired items.
11. Discussion: Agenda Items for next month’s meeting
12. Public Comment on non-agenda items
13. Closing Comments
Adjourn by 7 p.m.
Monthly meeting of the Pasadena Radio Club — Ham Radio talks, events and testing
Monthly meeting of the Pasadena Radio Club — Ham Radio talks, events and testing
Monthly meeting of the STNC Beautification Committee — Contact: Gail Carlson
Special Emergency Preparedness Committee
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, APRIL 26, 2018
North Valley City Hall
7747 Foothill Boulevard, Tujunga, CA 91042
6:00 PM
1. Call to Order/Sign In
2. Announcements
3. Public Comment on non-agenda items
4. Discussion: Make Motion to Fund $250.00 to support the Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair being held on
September 29, 2018 at the next STNC May General Board Meeting.
5. Discussion: Make Motion to fund expired Emergency Disaster Supplies currently in storage containers
inside the STNC office for Emergency use.
6. Discussion: MySafeLA Fire & Life Safety Education non- profit programs Neighborhood purpose grant
7. Discussion/Update: To Launch and keep community updated with classes available and emergency
information via the STEP- Sunland Tujunga Emergency Preparedness Facebook Group/Page
8. Discussion/Update: Working with local fire 74 on having a liaison team during disasters for donations,
drop off area. General community outreach regarding helping our outside resources to have access to North
Valley City Hall
9. Discussion/Update: Regarding putting procedures/plan in place in case of an emergency to access the
Emergency Supplies
10. Discussion: Inventory of current emergency barrels stored at the STNC office inside NVCH and
costs/quotes to replace expired items.
11. Discussion: Agenda Items for next month’s meeting
12. Public Comment on non-agenda items
13. Closing Comments
Adjourn by 7 p.m.
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