Our elected officials have college degrees. But that seems irrelevant since they appear to have ignored what they’ve learned in college for the benefit of our City’s economy. Their leadership has been a failure, as confirmed by the recent release of the LA 2020 Commission Report. Instead, they find that focus groups and slogans are more effective in convincing the taxpayer to vote for their costly programs. Slogans like: SOS–Save Our Streets, LA River Revitalization, Healthy Los Angeles, re:codeLA, Transit-Oriented Consolidated Plan, and Sustainable Communities. It appears these programs are to patronize us while they fail to emphasize that our taxes will be increased to finance these over-priced projects that will benefit the elected officials, political supporters, and selected nonprofit organizations.
Communities, especially on the Westside of Los Angeles, are concerned that existing affordable housing is being demolished to make way for more expensive, high density, housing projects that are out of reach for those displaced. I draw your attention to July 1, 2013, when the Community Development Department merged with the LA Housing Department and changed its name to LA Housing and Community Investment Department. Why the name change? If Harold Goldstein, sponsor of Senate Bill1000, which recently passed in the State Senate, supports consumers’ right to know the facts about consuming liquid sugar, then consumers should have the right to know the facts about Sacramento legislators’ debate on Senate Bill 1, titled: Sustainable Community Investment Authority. Introduced by State Senator Steinberg and passed in the Senate. For the moment, it’s been placed in the inactive file. Apparently, SB 1 was introduced as a replacement to Proposition 31 which failed in a previous election. If you recall, Prop. 31 was titled, “Government Performance and Accountability Act.” Sounded like a good law. The funny thing is, the items mentioned in Prop 31, already exist on the books.
Had Prop 31 passed, it would have been disastrous for Californian’s form of government. Prop-31 apparently would have ended California as a republic. Our government–by the people and for the people–would no longer be needed. Decisions would be made by committees.
For years we’ve been deceived by a coalition of elected officials whose ideas are focused on being re-elected in exchange for favors. It seems that we only see our elected officials for ribbon cutting ceremonies and/or photo opportunities when officials appear for a Saturday morning cleanup day, and parades. But when we want to express our concerns about SB 1818, which encourages high density residential projects designed with not enough parking, and vent our anger about reduced city services that we’ve paid for. or when we ask for funding for education, officials don’t seem to be available or include us.
An example is, the City controller is demanding answers from the DWP union leader regarding an accounting of the $40 million ratepayer dollars secretly transferred into two secret nonprofits. Council President Herb Wesson, or a colleague, should have taken control of the DWP situation.
Another example of government failed leadership is Senate Bill 1. Sustainable Community Investment Authority, which was discussed in Sacramento. West-siders should read SB1. And everyone should view a 12 minute video in YouTube. Type the words: ‘Westchester County HUD’s Over-Reaching.’ It pertains to all cities in America. SB 1 creates a new government agency in each county or city to grab property taxes and increase sales taxes to finance “sustainable communities.” This law would allow cities, special districts and counties to create a Sustainable Community Investment Authority with no voter oversight. It would change the way we live. SB 1 would be able to issue bonds without voter approval. It would declare certain suburban areas as blight without cause. It will lead to government abuse of eminent domain over private property rights. Solar panel farms in residential neighborhoods?
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