Members of California State Senate held a joint hearing on Thursday, October 27, with the Committee on Elections and Constitutional Amendments and Government Finance on the issue of representative government of counties They state that their expert witnesses agrees that the LA County Board of Supervisors needs to separate their executive and legislative functions and create a county executive position which is either elected or appointed. They said the Board also needs to expand in order to more fairly represent “protected groups.” This proposal is being spearheaded by Senator Tony Mendoza of the 32nd Senate District in L.A. You can contact him and offer your comments at www,ad32@ca.gov, or call 562-860-3202, or contact your local State Senator as well as L.A.’s Board of Supervisors for their input.
A citywide Neighborhood Integrity Initiative meeting, to share experiences fighting City Hall is being held on Saturday, November 19, 11 am to 1 pm. At 3rd Street Elementary School Auditorium, 201 S. June St. in Hancock Park. It is sponsored by the Coalition to Preserve LA and sponsored by the Aids Healthcare Foundation. Additional information is available at: ethics.lacity.o
National Homeless Count Day is happening in your neighborhood. The committee is looking for teams of 3-4 people. One to drive, two to count and one to tally, The date is January 24, 2017 from 7 pm ti 11 pm. Formulate your own team or volunteer individually and join others. Call 818-446-6327 and leave your name and number. To register go to www.theycountwillyou.org, click on January24, (SPA) San Fernando Valley.
Classes at the L.A. Massion College Satellite located in Sun;land-Tujunga at …….Foothill, are slated to begin on Monday, February 6. See the survey in this paper on how to provide information and suggestions to selected classes need for the eastern region of the North East Valley. You are encouraged to visit their Catalog 2016-17: www.lamission.edu, to get ideas on what is already being offered. However, classes are not limited to what is in their catalog. The site will also include student and financial information services on the campus
Hope Homebuyer Workshops is being hosted by Family Housing Services of L.A. County. It’s designed to inform about their services, steps to homeownership and available resources. They are education and helpful for those interested in Learning how to begin the process of purchasing a home. The workshops are scheduled for Saturdays, 10 am to 12 pm at the following locations: Pacoima Library, 13605 Van Nuys Blvd., November 19, also, Sunland-Tujunga Library at 7771 Foothill Blvd. For more information, call NHS at 888-895-2547.
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