The Big Tujunga Wash Mitigation Area was purchased by the Los Angeles County Flood Control District in 1998 for the purpose of compensating for habitat loss from other projects. The site encompasses approximately 210 acres of land located in the City of Los Angeles Sunland area. Several equestrian and hiking trails wind throughout the native alluvial scrub, aquatic, and willow riparian habitat that surround the Big Tujunga Wash. These plant communities provide suitable habitat for many wildlife species. The Big Tujunga Wash site also provides or has the potential to provide suitable habitat for a number of endangered, threatened, and sensitive plant and wildlife species including Davidson’s bushmallow, Plummer’s mariposa lily, slender-horned spineflower, San Diego horned lizard, black-crowned night heron, great blue heron, Cooper’s hawk, loggerhead shrike, southwestern willow flycatcher, least Bell’s vireo, and Santa Ana Sucker.
Please join LACDPW and ECORP Consulting, Inc. for the 10th Annual Trail Cleanup Day. Come out and give a helping hand by cleaning up litter along Big T’s beautiful trails.
Maintenance activities that were conducted throughout the Big Tujunga Wash Mitigation Area this summer are now complete. All trails are once again open and safe to use. |
If you have any questions regarding the maintenance activities, please contact the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works at BTWMA@dpw.lacounty.gov |
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