Information and data regarding city owned property was recently gathered from the Los Angeles County Assessor and the City’s General Services and was recently released by Controller Ron Galperin.
Galprin used PropertyPanel.LA an informational tool utilized for the most comprehensive map ever produced of properties owned by the City of Los Angeles, He says L.A. has an extensive Real Estate portfolio and is asking that a Chief Asset Manager be appointed by the city to oversee L.A.’s holdings. Up until now there has not been an official record available of underutilized properties.
The Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition (LANCC) submitted a request to the city over year ago for such a list. At that time there wasn’t one available. They are asking that Neighborhood Councils be given first choice to utilize available office space available in their district because they are also considered an official department of the city. This was prompted by the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council being kicked out of North Valley City hall by former councilmember Fuentes, telling the City Council the premises were not in use when they were, in favor of 501C3 organizations that theyndid not fully utilized. This will be an opportunity for all Neighborhood Councils who presently spend a large portion of their small budget for office space,
Galperin has a background in Real Estate law prior to being elected as the L.A. City Controller He first examined the the City’s real estate portfolio as Chairman of the City’s Commission on Revenue Efficiency (CORE). They issued a report that urged the city to review the 100 plus properties owned by the city that are currently rented to various non profits at well-below market rates, typically at $1 per year.
PropertyPanel.LA can be searched by address, Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) Council District or by drawing own map. The site also provides satellite, list and ESPI Street and Goodgle Street view of L.A.’s holdinbg. Users can download and print maps and lists of properties in their neighborhoods.
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