I want everyone to have a good time,” stated Los Angeles Fire Chief Brian Cummings. “But remember; Fireworks of any kind are illegal in the city of Los Angeles.”
It is re unlawful to purchase fireworks in any city for use within the City of Los Angeles.
* Possession and /or use of fireworks within Los Angeles are a violation of Municipal Code 57.55.01A, or Section 12677 of the Health and Safety Code.
* Fire investigators and police officers will be out in force this year. Violators risk serious fines, confiscation of fireworks, and jail time.
* The public is requested to report the sale or use of fireworks within the City of Los Angeles by calling 9-1-1.
* For a safe and fun July 4th, visit a professional fireworks show in your area.
Yes, we’ve heard it before “all fireworks, even the so called ‘safe and sane’ variety, are illegal in the city of Los Angeles”. We hear it every year, year after year. So many times in fact, it’s difficult to believe that there are individuals out there who aren’t aware of the fireworks laws in Los Angeles. Yet, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood, all across our City, the Independence Day celebration turns into an intense inferno of illegal fireworks with a violent cacophony of noise and choking smoke.
And, for many, fear. We all know the dangers and warnings about this holiday. With the long running drought, the potential for fire becomes a serious concern; especially true for those living in the foothills. Serious bodily injury occurs every year. More animals are turned in to animal shelters the day after this holiday than at any other time of the year. Many seniors feel particularly vulnerable and helpless. Because emergency workers are overwhelmed, calling 911 can become an exercise in futility. And, let’s not forget the craziness of guns being shot into the air!
Why am I writing about July 4th madness in October? This year the Mission Hills Community Action Group formed a task force to work with our local city officials, first responders and communities at large in order to join together in an effort to bring this holiday under control and focus on the true meaning of Independence Day. Our first campaign was launched June 7, 2014. Planning for our 2015 campaign is now underway.
Following is our platform:
* Street level enforcement is limited to one action per watch due to the onerous task of booking fireworks or waiting for the Bomb Squad
* Community Education works great on minor offenders but has minimal impact on flagrant violators
* All of the fireworks that annoy and cause danger by flying or exploding are clearly illegal to possess without a license in the State of California
* A single violator can affect the quality of life of every person within a ? mile radius. Ten of them can impact a entire Basic Car
* Hundreds of ads were listed in Craigslist for clearly illegal fireworks products in the weeks before this year’s Independence Day.
* Anecdotal reports of officers simply asking people to be safe when using fireworks and in fact an e-mail via shows that the problem is beyond the scope of patrol level or even Area level enforcement.
* We have been very fortunate not to have wind driven fires started by fireworks and turn into a Bel Air sized conflagration.
* Many animals are scared into the streets only to end up lost forever, run over by vehicles, attacked by coyotes or, if they are lucky, taken to the shelter scared and shivering.
We ask that:
* Law enforcement and prosecution resources are brought to bear citywide in a highly visible way against at least some violators to set the tone and send a message.
* That law enforcement and prosecutors concentrate on the illegal distributors of the devices to reduce availability and that those cases are publicized to deter others.
* That appropriate metrics be determined and monitored to gauge the effectiveness of the efforts. This should include Animal Shelter census and contraband seizure numbers among others.
All fireworks, including the “safe and sane” fireworks are banned in the City of Los Angeles. With respect to using “safe and sane” fireworks, contact your neighborhood fire department to inquire about any local restrictions in your community. When and where you can use legal fireworks is up to your local jurisdiction. By obeying the law, you protect your children, pets and property.
For more information regarding Mission Hills Community Action Group
Visit: www.missionhillscommunityaction.org
Editor’s Note: Mrs. Goldfinger is a long time community activist, a member of the Mission Hills CPAB and a founder of the Mission Hills Neighbored Council.
Mission Hills
By Pamela Goldfinger
on October 28, 2014 |
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