At its meeting on August 25, 2016, the City Planning Commission recommended the approval of the Small Lot Code Amendment to the City Council. The next step for the Amendment is to go to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee and City Council for consideration, which will be occurring in the upcoming months.
Per Commission’s recommendation, the Department of City Planning is issuing a working draft of the Small Lot Design Standards for test implementation. The intent is to allow a transition period until the Amendment is effective, and to allow City staff, project applicants, and community members to test the Design Standards on current projects to ensure its feasibility. During this testing phase, current projects requesting entitlements for small lot subdivision are encouraged to review and incorporate these Design Standards into their project design as deemed feasible. Please note the Design Standards will not be fully effective until it returns to the Commission for adoption and the Amendment is effective by City Council adoption.
For your convenience, a working draft of the Small Lot Design Standards is attached below. City staff, project applicants, and community members are encouraged to provide feedback on the draft Design Standards for further clarification of the provisions, language, and illustrations.
Please direct your written comments or questions via email to:
- Simon Pastucha, Senior City Planner, at simon.pastucha@lacity.org
- Connie Chauv, Planning Assistant, at connie.chauv@lacity.org sls-design-standards_draft_160930
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