The County of Los Angeles has hosted two of three
community meetings regarding the Olive View UCLA
Medical Center Campus (OVMC Campus). This Master
Plan will be a guideline for future construction and
growth for the OVMC Campus.
The County presented two options for a Master
Plan including the “Boulevard” option, and the “Nature’s
Edge” option at two previous meetings. Both
options focus on creating a more sustainable open
green campus, taking into consideration the expanding
health needs of the public.
If you have additional input, they would appreciate
receiving your feedback no later than Friday, November
28, 2014. The final community meeting for this
process is anticipated to be held in early 2015. Email
Clarice Nash at, for further
The High Speed Rail Authority is holding an important
update meeting about the High Speed Rail
Project on Wednesday, December 3 from 5:30-7:30
p.m. at Stonehurst Recreation Center, 9901 Dronfield
Ave., in Stonehurst/Shadow Hills. There will be presentations
and displays by High Speed Rail officials at
the meeting, but this is NOT a Q&A format, nor public
comment. For this reason the Shadow Hills Property
Owners Assn will host their own meeting on Tuesday,
January 13 at All Nations Church on Foothill Blvd.
across the 210 Freeway near Angeles National Golf
Course. More info, email:
The annual Holiday Boutique & Chili Bowl Sale is
being held at McGroarty Arts Center, 7570 McGroarty
Terrace, Tujunga, Saturday, December 6, 10 am – 5
pm and Sunday, December 7, 11 am–4 pm. The day’s
events include shopping, live music, Chili Bowl Sale,
Visit from Santa and Fire Station Visit. Visit their Facebook
page for more information.
The annual Las Posadas will be hosted by the San
Fernando Valley Historical on Saturday, December 6
at 5:30 p.m. at the Andres Pico Adobe, 10940 Sepulveda
Blvd. in Mission Hills. The festival re-enacts the
search for shelter by Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem
before the birth of Jesus. SFVHS will also have a piñata,
Mexican sweetbreads, hot chocolate, and a visit by
Santa. It is free to the public (donations are gratefully
accepted). Gates open at 5 p.m. If it rains, the event
will be moved to Saturday, December 13 at 5:30 p.m.
The public is invited to Winterfest: Snow, Santa
Claus, Holiday Entertainment, Kids Kraft Faire and
Music, to be held at Little Landers Park/Bolton Hall.
10110 Commerce Ave., Tujunga on Saturday, December
6, 3-8 p.m.
Annual Holiday Mixer & Toy Drive is being
co-hosted by the Sunland-Tujunga Chamber of Commerce
and Elks Lodge 2098 on Tuesday, December 9,
6 pm–8 pm. RSVP or 818-
A Holiday Party is being hosted by the Little Landers
Historical Society at Bolton Hall Museum, 10110
Commerce Ave., Tujunga on Saturday, December
13, beginning at 1 pm. Entertainment features Franny
McCarthy, Master of Ceremonies and the Randy
Van Horne Singers. Free Parking available at the Elks
Lodge across the street on Commerce Ave.
U.S. Rep. Tony Cárdenas relocated his offices
in both Washington, D.C. and the San Fernando. His
San Fernando Valley office is now located at 8134 Van
Nuys Blvd., Suite 206, Panorama City, CA 91402. Office
hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5 pm.
Notice of Preparation and Scoping Meeting
regarding proposed 242 home Canyon Park Homes,
12400 Big Tujunga Canyon in Sunland-Tujunga, Thursday,
December 11, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm, to solicit public
comments regarding issues to be addressed in the
Draft EIR at North Valley City Hall., 7747 Foothill Blvd.,
Tujunga. City Planning welcomes all public comments
regarding all impacts of the project. Submit comments
by 5:00 pm, December 22, to: Nick Hendricks, 6262
Van Nuys Blvd. Suite 351, Van Nuys, CA 91401, nick. There are efforts to move the
venue and change the date. Check the STNC website
at for updates.
Contributions are welcome during the Holiday Season
for children who do not have the good fortune of
a stable family environment and must find refuge in
Foster Care Family Programs such as Penny Lane,
a world renowned children’s foster care facility. Brad
Klimovich, CAMF/BF, of Mission Hills, is helping to fill
the needs of the less fortunate foster care children at
Penny Lane in North Hills, during this Holiday Season.
Penny Lane is a 501(3) (c) nonprofit organization, Tax
ID 95-2633765, Brad will be maintaining a collection
center for contributions through Monday, December
22, or you can visit the Penny Lane website at www. for contributions.
The Citizens Redistricting Teleconference for
November has been cancelled. The Commission is
currently selecting dates for a teleconference to be
held in January, 2015. An announcement will be made
when the new date is selected. For more information
on Commission meetings, visit www.wedrawthelines.
DWP Customer Service Day is Saturday, December
13, from 9:00 am–1:00 pm, at 1550 Van Nuys Blvd.,
Van Nuys., to resolve billing issues, place service requests,
and make payments.
You Should Know…
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Mar 27 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
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STNC Beautification Committee
STNC Beautification Committee
Apr 24 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Monthly meeting of the STNC Beautification Committee — Contact: Gail Carlson
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STNC Emergency Preparedness Meeting
STNC Emergency Preparedness Meeting
Apr 24 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
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